August 27• 9am-1pm • Boise, Idaho

The Spark of Man

Discover the fire within.
Create a life of prosperity, love, achievement & happiness. What you want is possible, and this is how you create it.

Get My Ticket

The world is in chaos.

The market’s are slipping fast, and news of doom and gloom plays on the media every day. 

It’s hard to make sense of anything. 

Do you find it hard to be ambitious right now?
Are you putting business on hold to see what happens?
Do you feel uncertain about what to do?

Take control. Lead life on your terms.

See it. Feel it. Plan for it.

Put into practice a system of futuring used by generations of successful men before you.

  • Reset with mindfulness to clear way the noise of the world to create real peace within. 
  • Connect with what you actually want in this life. (hint: yes, it’s the new car, hot sex and bankroll, but also the happiness those give you.)
  • Combine vision with emotion, and feel what life will be like with this in your life.
  • Plan and take action, because what we call good luck is actually preparedness and grit.
Get My Ticket

Your desires are the instruction manual for living.

What you want is meant for you. No bullshit.
The problem is, you've been told your whole life you don't deserve it.
Your challenge is to rise up past that and create something meaningful.

1. Take stock.

Where are you at right now? What is holding you back? How do you honor and forgive in order to move forward?

2. Reclaim your vision.

What do you want? Write your own ticket. No more waiting for permission or to feel better about your life. It’s time.

3. Light the fire.

How do you actually make this happen? It’s vision, trust, gratitude, and realistic daily action. It’s the momentum and excitement of waking up everyday to a better life.

A system of natural law that works.

Manifestation techniques used by generations of successful men before you.

What does your success feel like?

Is it the new car? The money in the bank? Love and family?

Take back your vision of the future. Of what is possible in your life. YOU determine this... no one else. Ultimately, you discover this is the path that leads you home to the most important person in your life... yourself.

Join us Saturday morning, August 27th in Boise, Idaho.

Get My Ticket

Or don’t do anything.

Ignore the battle for your mind and peace.

Let the doom and gloom of the news and economy drown you in anxiety and victimhood. Let ambition slip away. Let someone else win this one.

It’s time to become the man you want to be.

Happy. On a mission. Strong & clear. On fire.

Remember what your greatest strengths are. Create a mindset and a vision to ignite an incredible new future. Manifest the things you want in your life.

Saturday morning, August 27th in Boise, Idaho.

Get My Ticket

I am Ricky.

I coach men to create a life of love, achievement, prosperity & fulfillment.

I believe the corruption and violence in our country stem from men repressing who they really are.

That anger is bad and must be suppressed. That real masculinity is healing and supportive. That we must have strong boundaries in our relationships. That we are worthy of love, achievement and prosperity.

My mission is to help men find love, peace and joy. To awaken to their sacred truth.

And through that work, we make the world a better place for all.